BJP's Unprecedented Sweep in Chhattisgarh Civic Polls Sparks Congress Turmoil

The Bharatiya Janata Party has achieved a historic victory in Chhattisgarh's urban body elections, securing all 10 mayoral positions across the state's municipal corporations. This comprehensive win has not only bolstered the BJP's political dominance but has also intensified internal conflicts within the Congress party.

In the elections held on 11 February 2025, the BJP demonstrated a commanding performance, capturing leadership roles in 35 municipal councils and 81 nagar panchayats. The voter turnout was notable, with approximately 72.44% of the electorate casting their ballots. Koriya district recorded the highest participation at 84.99%, while Raipur had the lowest at 51.37%. The counting of votes commenced on 15 February 2025, leading to the declaration of results the same day.

Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai lauded the BJP's triumph, describing it as a "historic moment" for the party in Chhattisgarh. He attributed the success to the government's development-oriented policies and the effective implementation of welfare schemes. Sai emphasized that the electorate's trust in the BJP's governance model was a decisive factor in the election outcome.

A significant highlight of the BJP's victory was in Raipur, where Meenal Choubey was elected as mayor, marking her as the second woman and the first non-Congress individual to hold this position. Choubey, a seasoned politician with a history of serving as the Leader of Opposition in the Raipur Municipal Corporation, secured the mayoral seat by defeating Congress candidate Deepti Dubey with a substantial margin of 1,53,290 votes.

The aftermath of the elections has seen the Congress party grappling with internal dissent and public criticism. The loss of all 10 mayoral seats, including traditional strongholds, has led to a wave of resignations and open discontent among party members. Notably, on the final day for filing nominations, prominent leaders such as Nisha Biju of Nagar Panchayat Jarahi and Mungeli District Youth Congress President Rajesh Tiwari tendered their resignations, citing dissatisfaction with the party's candidate selection process.

The internal discord within the Congress has been further exacerbated by public statements from party members expressing frustration over leadership decisions. The lack of a cohesive strategy and perceived disconnect between the party leadership and grassroots workers have been highlighted as contributing factors to the electoral debacle. This internal turmoil has provided the BJP with additional ammunition to critique the Congress, with BJP leaders pointing to the opposition's infighting as indicative of a broader leadership crisis.

Political analysts suggest that the BJP's success can be attributed to a combination of effective governance, strategic candidate selection, and a robust grassroots campaign. The party's focus on local issues, coupled with the implementation of welfare schemes, appears to have resonated with the urban electorate. In contrast, the Congress's internal divisions and lack of a clear, unified message may have alienated voters, leading to their poor performance in the polls.

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