
Indian Flag Absence at Karachi Stadium Sparks Debate Ahead of Champions Trophy

A controversy has unfolded ahead of the ICC Champions Trophy after a video surfaced showing the absence of the Indian flag at the National Stadium …

Mysuru tragedy: Businessman and family found dead in apartment

The lifeless bodies of a businessman and his family were discovered in a residential apartment in Mysuru, sparking investigations into what authori…

China’s BYD Seeks Expansion Amid Uncertain Investment Rules in India

BYD, the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) giant, continues to express interest in manufacturing electric cars in India, despite a lack of clear signal…

Govinda Suffers Accidental Gunshot, Undergoes Treatment for Leg Injury

Veteran Bollywood actor Govinda was hospitalized after sustaining an accidental gunshot wound to his leg, sending shockwaves through the entertainm…

Air India’s Cloud Shift Marks a New Era in Digital Transformation

Air India, under the stewardship of the Tata Group, is undergoing a sweeping digital transformation aimed at overhauling its operational framework …

SBI Card and Singapore Airlines Introduce Exclusive Co-Branded Credit Card for Travelers

SBI Card has partnered with Singapore Airlines to launch a co-branded credit card, aiming to elevate the travel experience for premium cardholders.…

Housing Sales Drop in Q3 2024 Across Major Cities

Housing sales across the top seven cities in India experienced an 11% year-on-year decline in the third quarter of 2024, amounting to approximately…

India Aligns with IPEF on Clean Economy Initiatives

A significant step in international cooperation occurred as India formalized its participation in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperit…

Airport Lounge Access Affected by Service Suspension

Airport lounge access is facing significant disruptions following the suspension of services by Dreamfolks Services Ltd, a key player in the hospit…

Netflix faces visa violations and racial discrimination allegations in India

Netflix is currently under investigation by Indian authorities following allegations of visa violations, tax evasion, and racial discrimination wit…

India Emerges as a Global Center for Data Embassies

A transformative shift is underway as India positions itself as a significant player in the realm of data embassies, spurred by a surge in digitali…

India's AI Growth Strains Energy Resources

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence (AI) in India presents significant challenges, particularly concerning energy consumption. A compreh…

AI's Growing Energy Demand Sparks Concerns

As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize industries, the energy consumption associated with these technologies raises significant conc…

Sebi Chairperson's Recusal Cases Not Easily Accessible

Madhabi Puri Buch, the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), has come under scrutiny regarding instances where she recu…

"Tech Firms Reinvigorate Campus Hiring Efforts"

A notable shift is occurring in the landscape of technology hiring as companies once again turn their attention to college campuses after a period …

Yuval Noah Harari Calls for Urgent Regulation of AI Amid Global Concerns

Renowned historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari has voiced stark warnings about the potential risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI), arg…

White House holds meeting with Sikh activists ahead of Modi’s US visit

White House officials engaged in a dialogue with Sikh activists before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s arrival for a high-profile visit to the Unite…

Nirmala Sitharaman Unveils NPS Vatsalya for Children’s Future

Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s Finance Minister, has introduced a new variant of the National Pension System (NPS) aimed at securing the financial fut…

Sean 'Diddy' Combs Faces Multiple Legal Challenges in NYC

Sean 'Diddy' Combs, the renowned rapper and music mogul, was detained in New York City amid a federal investigation into serious allegation…

Fabtech Technologies Seeks IPO Approval for Rs 226 Crore Expansion

Mumbai-based Fabtech Technologies has initiated the process for its initial public offering (IPO) by filing draft documents with the Securities and…
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