Uttar Pradesh's Technical Education Minister, Ashish Patel, has openly challenged Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's administration, daring them to dismiss him amid corruption allegations. Patel, who is married to Union Minister Anupriya Patel, faces accusations of irregularities in promoting candidates within his department.
Addressing party workers and the media in Lucknow, Patel accused the state's Special Task Force (STF) of attempting to intimidate him regarding a teacher recruitment case. He stated, "You cannot suppress the teacher recruitment case through intimidation." He further challenged the STF, led by Amitabh Yash, to "shoot him on the chest" if they had the courage.
Patel also alleged that Shishir Singh, Uttar Pradesh's Director of Information, was tarnishing his image by planting false stories in the media. He demanded that Singh cease publishing negative news about him, asserting that his positive contributions were being overlooked.
The minister's sister-in-law, Pallavi Patel, an MLA from the Samajwadi Party, has been vocal about alleged irregularities and corruption in the promotion of 250 Heads of Department within the technical education sector. She has called for a Special Investigation Team (SIT) probe into these allegations.
In response, Ashish Patel defended his actions, emphasizing his commitment to social justice by promoting individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. He stated, "Is it my fault that 7 out of 14 directors were made from the underprivileged class? Is it my fault that backward people were given a chance... if it is, then I will keep doing this."
Union Minister Anupriya Patel stood by her husband during the press briefing, asserting that there was no question of compromise in the ongoing dispute. She remarked, "We know how to answer. We know who is behind this controversy... Whenever we raise the voice of Dalits and OBCs, some people get hurt."
The couple expressed gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for their support. Meanwhile, STF chief Amitabh Yash dismissed the allegations, stating, "We have major things to deal with criminals; why would we get involved in political issues? I do not want to comment on his accusations. He is not a criminal; he is a minister."
Political analysts suggest that this confrontation highlights a power struggle within the Apna Dal family, particularly between Anupriya Patel and her sister Pallavi Patel, over their father Sonelal Patel's legacy. Pallavi, who defeated Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Maurya in the 2022 assembly elections, is perceived to have the support of the Chief Minister's Office, intensifying the familial and political rivalry.