Mid-Air Collision Over Potomac River Halts Washington National Airport Operations

A PSA Airlines Bombardier CRJ700, operating as American Eagle Flight 5342 from Wichita, Kansas, collided mid-air with a U.S. Army Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter while approaching Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The incident occurred at approximately 8:47 p.m. EST over the Potomac River, leading to an immediate suspension of all takeoffs and landings at the airport.

The commercial jet was carrying 60 passengers and four crew members, while the military helicopter had three soldiers on board. Following the collision, both aircraft crashed into the Potomac River. Emergency responders, including fireboats and multiple agencies, initiated a search and rescue operation. Four individuals have been recovered from the river and transported to a hospital; their conditions remain undisclosed.

President Donald Trump and Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem have been briefed on the situation. The President commended the efforts of the emergency services and announced the deployment of Coast Guard resources to assist in the rescue operations. The FBI is also supporting the ongoing efforts.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board have launched an investigation into the cause of the collision. Preliminary information indicates that less than 30 seconds before the crash, an air traffic controller inquired if the military helicopter had the commercial flight in sight. Moments later, the controller instructed the helicopter to pass behind Flight 5342.

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