Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Asserts Sanatan Dharma's Independence, Advocates for PoK's Reintegration

Jagadguru Rambhadracharya, a prominent figure in the Ramananda sect, has firmly stated that Sanatan Dharma requires no external representation or governing body. In a recent discourse, he emphasized the self-sufficiency of the faith, asserting its inherent strength and autonomy.

Addressing the issue of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir , the Jagadguru declared it an integral part of the nation. He announced that efforts are underway to reclaim this territory, including the performance of a special yajna during the ongoing Mahakumbh 2025. This ritual aims to invoke divine blessings for the nation's unity and territorial integrity.

The Mahakumbh, currently taking place in Prayagraj, has drawn millions of devotees. Jagadguru Rambhadracharya highlighted the event's inclusive nature, stating that within the Mahakumbh, there is no distinction of caste, creed, or mode of worship; Hindutva remains paramount. He further elaborated that the yajna being conducted seeks the reintegration of PoK, expressing confidence that, with divine grace, this endeavor will succeed.

In previous statements, the Jagadguru has been vocal about reclaiming territories and places of religious significance. He has taken a vow not to visit any Krishna temple until the rightful claim over Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura is established. This stance underscores his commitment to religious causes and the assertion of cultural heritage.

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