Delhi's Water Woes: CM Atishi Blames BJP-Led States for Yamuna Pollution

Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-governed states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh of deliberately discharging untreated industrial waste into the Yamuna River, exacerbating pollution levels and compromising the capital's water supply. ([The Times of India](

During an inspection of the Wazirabad Water Treatment Plant, Atishi highlighted a significant increase in ammonia concentrations in the Yamuna, attributing it to the release of toxic industrial effluents from the neighboring states. She emphasized that this contamination has severely impacted the operations of the Wazirabad, Sonia Vihar, and Bhagirathi water treatment facilities, leading to a notable reduction in potable water production for Delhi residents. ([The Tribune](

Atishi stated, "The BJP's dirty politics has not only polluted Delhi's air but is now poisoning its water as well. The polluted industrial discharge from BJP-ruled Haryana has increased ammonia levels in the Yamuna." She further alleged that both Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are intentionally releasing toxic industrial waste into the river, particularly during festive periods like Diwali and Chhath Puja, resulting in the formation of froth on the river's surface. ([The Tribune](

The Chief Minister provided data indicating that ammonia levels at the Wazirabad Barrage had surged to three parts per million (ppm), rendering the water unsuitable for treatment. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, the acceptable maximum limit of ammonia in drinking water is 0.5 ppm, while the Delhi Jal Board can treat up to 0.9 ppm through chlorination. ([The Tribune](

In addition to water pollution, Atishi addressed the issue of air quality degradation in Delhi. She cited statistics showing a reduction in stubble burning incidents in AAP-governed Punjab, contrasting it with an increase in such activities in BJP-ruled Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Specifically, she noted a 23% rise in stubble burning cases in Haryana and a 70% increase in Uttar Pradesh, contributing to the deteriorating air quality in the national capital. ([The Times of India](

Atishi's allegations have intensified the ongoing political tussle between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the BJP, with both parties trading blame over environmental issues affecting Delhi. The situation underscores the complex interplay between regional governance and environmental management, highlighting the challenges in addressing pollution that transcends state boundaries.

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