Awami League Mobilizes Mass Protests Demanding Interim Government's Resignation

The Awami League has declared a series of nationwide protests in Bangladesh, intensifying its demand for the resignation of the interim government led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus. The opposition party accuses the current administration of "oppression and misrule" and has outlined a campaign commencing on February 1, culminating in a nationwide blockade and a stringent, all-day hartal on February 16 and 18, respectively.

This announcement marks a significant escalation in the political tension that has gripped Bangladesh since the ousting of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in August 2024. Hasina resigned and fled to India amid mass protests led predominantly by students dissatisfied with her prolonged tenure and allegations of corruption and human rights abuses. Following her departure, an interim government was established under the leadership of Muhammad Yunus, an economist renowned for pioneering microfinance initiatives.

The Awami League, formerly the ruling party under Hasina, has been vocal in its criticism of the interim administration. Party leaders argue that the current government lacks legitimacy and has failed to address pressing national issues. They contend that the interim government's policies have led to economic instability and have not adequately represented the interests of the Bangladeshi populace.

In response to these criticisms, Muhammad Yunus has defended his administration's actions, emphasizing efforts to stabilize the nation's economy and implement reforms aimed at reducing corruption and promoting inclusive growth. Yunus has previously criticized the economic growth under Hasina's regime as "fake," asserting that it masked underlying issues of inequality and corruption. He has called for Hasina to return to Bangladesh to face trial for alleged crimes committed during her time in office.

The planned protests by the Awami League are expected to significantly impact daily life across Bangladesh. The nationwide blockade and hartal—a form of general strike—are likely to disrupt transportation, commerce, and public services. Observers note that these actions could further strain the country's already fragile political and economic situation.

The international community is closely monitoring the developments in Bangladesh. The European Investment Bank has recently announced plans to double its funding for the country, aiming to support its democratic transition and economic growth. However, these plans are contingent upon the nation's political stability and adherence to democratic principles.

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