Congress Points to Economic Troubles Ahead of Budget 2025

As the Union Budget 2025 approaches, the Congress Party has sharply criticised the government's management of the economy, highlighting what they term as a period of economic distress. Senior Congress leader and former Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram, led the charge, accusing the government of failing to address key economic challenges facing the country.

Chidambaram, addressing the media, described the Indian economy as being in a "state of crisis," citing indicators that reflect a slowdown. One of his primary concerns was the high inflation rate, which has placed an unprecedented burden on household budgets. Rising costs for essential goods such as food, fuel, and transportation have exacerbated financial strain for millions of families. Despite claims of moderation from the government, inflation has continued to undermine purchasing power, particularly among the lower and middle-income groups.

In addition to inflation, stagnant wages are contributing to an increasingly difficult environment for workers. According to data from various economic surveys, average wage growth has failed to keep pace with inflation, meaning that many people are seeing their real income decline. This is particularly true for younger workers, who, in addition to facing stagnant wages, are also contending with a job market that does not seem to be improving. Youth unemployment has surged, with many young people finding it difficult to secure stable employment, which is further compounded by a mismatch between educational qualifications and job market requirements.

The widening income inequality also remains a significant concern. Chidambaram pointed to the growing divide between the rich and the poor, with wealth increasingly concentrated among the top earners while the rest of the population struggles to make ends meet. This trend, he argued, is exacerbated by the government's economic policies, which, according to him, have disproportionately benefitted the wealthiest segments of society.

Chidambaram also alluded to the government's tax policies, suggesting that tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations have only added to the financial woes of the nation. These policies, he stated, have eroded the government's ability to fund critical public services, including healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. The Congress leader emphasized that the fiscal health of the nation could be significantly improved by rethinking tax policies and ensuring that they are progressive and equitable.

Echoing concerns raised by various economists and analysts, Chidambaram stressed the need for a robust plan to stimulate economic growth while addressing inflation and unemployment. A comprehensive reform agenda, according to the former Finance Minister, would require the government to prioritise investments in key sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. These sectors, he argued, are the backbone of the Indian economy and could provide the much-needed jobs and productivity growth to turn around the economy.

Chidambaram’s criticisms are not isolated. Other opposition leaders have expressed similar concerns over the government’s handling of the economy, pointing to what they describe as a failure to create jobs and reduce economic inequality. Critics have also raised questions about the government's reliance on short-term economic measures, which, they argue, have failed to deliver sustained growth.

Despite these critiques, the ruling government has defended its economic track record, arguing that several long-term structural reforms are beginning to take effect. Supporters claim that India’s economic growth, although facing short-term challenges, remains on a positive trajectory. However, the ongoing public dissatisfaction reflects growing frustration over the lack of tangible improvements in living standards, especially for the working and lower classes.

With the Union Budget just around the corner, all eyes are on how the government plans to address these pressing issues. While Chidambaram and other opposition leaders continue to scrutinise the government’s economic policies, the public is awaiting concrete measures that can alleviate inflationary pressures and create employment opportunities for the youth. The Congress Party has already made it clear that any budget proposals that fail to address these concerns will be met with strong opposition.

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