Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra have engaged in a public exchange over the deployment of youths from Uttar Pradesh to Israel for employment opportunities. The debate was sparked by Priyanka Gandhi's appearance in Parliament carrying a handbag emblazoned with the word "Palestine," signaling her solidarity with the Palestinian cause amid ongoing conflicts in the region.
Addressing the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Chief Minister Adityanath highlighted his government's efforts in facilitating employment for the state's youth in Israel. He stated that over 5,600 young individuals from Uttar Pradesh have been employed in Israeli construction projects, receiving free food and accommodation, along with a monthly salary of ₹1.5 lakh. Adityanath emphasized the safety guarantees provided to these workers and noted that Israeli officials have expressed interest in hiring more skilled labor from the state due to their commendable work ethic.
In a pointed remark, Adityanath contrasted these employment initiatives with Priyanka Gandhi's display in Parliament, suggesting a disconnect between her symbolic support for Palestine and the state's pragmatic approach to securing jobs for its youth. He remarked, "A Congress leader was seen walking around Parliament carrying a Palestine bag, while we are sending our youth to Israel for opportunities."
Responding to the Chief Minister's comments, Priyanka Gandhi criticized the government's decision to send young people to a conflict zone for employment, labeling it a "matter of shame" rather than an achievement. She expressed concerns over the safety and well-being of these workers, citing reports that some have been forced to seek shelter in bunkers due to the volatile situation in Israel. Gandhi accused the Uttar Pradesh government of failing to provide adequate employment opportunities within the state, thereby compelling youths to seek work in hazardous environments abroad.
The exchange has sparked a broader debate on the state's employment policies and the ethical implications of sending workers to regions experiencing conflict. Critics argue that while the government's initiatives may provide immediate economic benefits, they potentially expose young workers to significant risks. Supporters, however, contend that such programs offer valuable opportunities for employment and skill development, contributing to the state's economic growth.