Bomb threat forces Alliance Air’s Assam-Kolkata flight to make emergency landing

A bomb threat prompted an Alliance Air flight, operating from Assam to Kolkata, to make an emergency landing on Monday. The incident occurred after the airline received an alert suggesting a possible security threat onboard. Authorities immediately activated safety protocols, diverting the aircraft to a nearby airport for a controlled evacuation and inspection.

The flight, carrying 65 passengers, was en route to Kolkata from Assam when the bomb threat was issued. Shortly after the alert, the pilot informed air traffic control, seeking immediate clearance for an unscheduled landing. The aircraft made a swift descent at an airport within proximity to its flight path, where local law enforcement and bomb squads were already on standby.

Upon landing, all passengers were swiftly evacuated as authorities moved to secure the aircraft and conduct a detailed search. Trained personnel combed through the aircraft, luggage, and cargo to verify the validity of the threat. The security check concluded that no explosive devices were found onboard, and the threat was declared a hoax.

Passengers endured several hours of delay while authorities completed their investigation, although no harm was reported. Passengers were later allowed to re-board after the threat was deemed a false alarm, and the flight resumed its journey to Kolkata.

This event adds to a growing list of similar occurrences in aviation across India, where numerous airlines have faced bomb threats that have turned out to be false. Just earlier this month, a high-profile Air India flight to Chicago made an emergency landing in Canada following an online security alert. The threat turned out to be a hoax, but it raised concerns about rising incidents targeting major airlines.

In this case, the prompt and coordinated response by the airline, authorities, and law enforcement ensured passenger safety was prioritized, and normalcy was restored without any further issues. However, incidents like these continue to raise questions about the impact on both the airline industry and its passengers, as false threats can lead to significant disruptions.

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