Firms Deny Allegations Linked to SEBI Chairperson's Spouse

Allegations made by the Congress party against several high-profile Indian companies regarding consultancy services from Agora Advisory have been firmly denied by the firms involved. The controversy centers around Agora Advisory, a consultancy firm linked to Dhaval Buch, the spouse of Madhabi Puri Buch, the current Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The companies in question have issued strong rebuttals to the claims, which suggest potential conflicts of interest and ethical violations.

The Congress party's accusations allege that these firms engaged Agora Advisory for consultancy services while seeking favorable regulatory conditions, implying undue influence given Dhaval Buch's connection to SEBI. The party's statements have triggered a wave of scrutiny, questioning the integrity of the involved companies and the impartiality of SEBI's regulatory oversight.

In response, the companies have collectively issued detailed statements asserting that their engagements with Agora Advisory were strictly professional and in full compliance with all regulatory requirements. They emphasize that their dealings with the consultancy firm were based on its expertise and track record, not on any preferential treatment or insider access. The firms argue that the allegations are unfounded and aim to discredit their business practices.

Agora Advisory, for its part, has similarly defended its position, asserting that it operates with the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. The firm highlights its long-standing reputation for providing quality consultancy services to a diverse clientele, unaffected by any personal affiliations or external influences.

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