IMD warns of heavy downpours across key Indian states

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued warnings of widespread heavy rainfall in several regions, particularly targeting Mumbai, Chennai, Telangana, and Uttarakhand. The forecast indicates intense rainfall in these areas over the next few days, with officials advising residents to be prepared for potential flash floods, landslides, and other weather-related disruptions.

Mumbai and the Konkan region are set to experience very heavy showers accompanied by thunderstorms and gusty winds. This weather pattern, driven by the southwest monsoon, is expected to persist throughout the week, with a heightened risk of flash floods in vulnerable parts of Maharashtra. The IMD cautioned that parts of the city could see localised flooding, with waterlogging in low-lying areas being a major concern. Similarly, Madhya Maharashtra and Goa are predicted to receive torrential rainfall, with isolated locations seeing an escalation in intensity.

In Southern India, the IMD has flagged coastal Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh as high-risk areas for downpours. Chennai, in particular, is bracing for the possibility of urban flooding, as authorities in the city ramp up disaster preparedness measures. Northern Telangana is also on alert, with warnings of thunderstorms potentially intensifying rainfall in the region. These conditions pose a risk to agriculture, especially in rural districts where water accumulation could damage standing crops.

Meanwhile, Uttarakhand is expected to see persistent rainfall over the coming days, compounding concerns for landslides in the hilly state. The state's disaster management agencies have been closely monitoring the situation, particularly in areas around the foothills, where soil erosion due to excessive moisture has already caused disruptions to transportation.

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