Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday in connection with ongoing investigations into financial misconduct and the tragic rape-murder case of a trainee doctor. The arrest follows several days of intense questioning by the CBI, which has been probing allegations of corruption during Ghosh's tenure.
Ghosh's arrest marks a significant development in the broader investigation surrounding the events at RG Kar Medical College. The CBI's anti-corruption wing had been scrutinizing multiple complaints related to financial irregularities, which reportedly surfaced after the brutal assault and death of the trainee doctor at the institution in August. The former principal had been under the agency's radar for an extended period, facing multiple interrogations and undergoing polygraph tests as part of the investigation.
The arrest was made after Ghosh was called in for questioning at the CBI’s Salt Lake office. The agency later transported him to Nizam Palace, where he was formally taken into custody. Ghosh faces charges under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections related to criminal conspiracy and cheating, along with violations of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
The CBI’s probe into the financial aspects of Ghosh's administration is believed to have been intensified following the complaint filed by Dr. Akhtar Ali, the former deputy superintendent of the hospital. Dr. Ali's allegations pointed to widespread corruption within the institution during Ghosh's leadership. These claims, combined with the tragic circumstances of the trainee doctor's death, have kept the case in the public eye, raising concerns about the state of administrative affairs at one of Kolkata's leading medical institutions.
The ongoing investigation is expected to uncover further details regarding the extent of financial misconduct at RG Kar Medical College. The CBI's focus remains on understanding the full scope of irregularities during Ghosh's tenure, with the aim of bringing all responsible parties to justice. The case continues to unfold as the agency examines the interplay between the alleged financial corruption and the severe criminal acts that took place under Ghosh's administration.