Thiruvananthapuram Airport Declares Emergency After Bomb Threat

A full emergency was declared at Thiruvananthapuram International Airport today due to a bomb threat involving an Air India flight from Mumbai. The alert was triggered when the flight, carrying 135 passengers, landed safely at the airport around 8:00 AM and was promptly directed to an isolation bay.

Airport authorities acted swiftly, and all passengers were evacuated by 8:44 AM. Emergency services, including bomb squads and fire departments, were on high alert to ensure safety and conduct thorough checks of the aircraft.

The threat prompted a temporary suspension of airport operations, impacting several flights and causing delays. Security personnel and emergency responders coordinated efforts to manage the situation efficiently and ensure the safety of all involved.

Officials have initiated a detailed investigation into the threat, focusing on identifying its source and assessing any potential security lapses. The situation is under control, and airport operations are expected to resume normalcy once the investigation concludes.

Passengers were moved to a secure area, and the airport's security protocols were put into effect immediately to handle the emergency. The incident highlights the continued importance of rigorous security measures and rapid response capabilities in managing such threats.

Authorities are working to provide support and assistance to affected passengers, ensuring that their safety and well-being remain the top priority.

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