Supreme Court Revokes Bail in Rajasthan Exam Impersonation Case

The Supreme Court has annulled the bail granted by the Rajasthan High Court to two individuals accused of compromising the integrity of a government recruitment examination. This decision underscores the judiciary's commitment to maintaining the sanctity of public selection processes.

The case centers on the Assistant Engineer Civil Competitive Examination-2022. Allegations indicate that Salman Khan impersonated the registered candidate, Indraj Singh, during the examination. Investigations revealed tampering with attendance records and the substitution of photographs on official documents. Both individuals were arrested, and their initial bail pleas were denied by the trial court. However, the Rajasthan High Court subsequently granted them bail, citing factors such as their lack of prior criminal records and the completion of the investigation.

The state government challenged this decision in the Supreme Court. A bench comprising Justices Sanjay Karol and Ahsanuddin Amanullah presided over the appeal. Justice Karol, authoring the judgment, emphasized the intense competition for government positions in India, noting that the number of applicants far exceeds the available vacancies. He asserted that any deviation from the established selection process undermines public trust in administrative systems.

The bench acknowledged the principle that bail, once granted, should not be revoked lightly. However, they highlighted that the alleged actions of the accused had broader societal implications, potentially eroding confidence in public administration. The court observed that numerous candidates invest considerable effort in such examinations, and any compromise in the process adversely affects these genuine aspirants.

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