BJP MP Accuses TMC of Undermining Hindu Festivals in West Bengal

BJP Member of Parliament Jyotirmoy Singh Mahato has alleged that Hindu festivals in West Bengal are increasingly under threat, attributing the purported disruptions to the ruling Trinamool Congress . In a letter addressed to Governor C.V. Ananda Bose, the Purulia MP called for immediate intervention to protect the state's Hindu community and their cultural practices.

Mahato's letter highlights incidents of "disruptions, stone-pelting, and physical violence" during celebrations such as Durga Puja and Kali Puja. He asserts that these festivals, integral to Bengali Hindu identity, have faced targeted attacks, leading to an atmosphere of fear among devotees. The MP draws a parallel between the current situation in West Bengal and the 1990s exodus of Hindus from Kashmir, suggesting a disturbing resemblance in patterns of targeted violence.

One specific incident cited occurred in Kolkata's Rajabazar area, where participants in a Kali Puja immersion procession were reportedly assaulted. Authorities allegedly dismissed the event as a "parking dispute," a characterization Mahato contends reflects neglect and bias by law enforcement agencies. Additionally, he points to a surge in anti-Hindu sentiments on social media platforms, with some users purportedly advocating for replicating violence similar to that experienced by Hindus in Bangladesh.

In his appeal to Governor Bose, Mahato requests a thorough examination of these incidents to ensure justice is administered impartially. He urges a review of state government actions and policies that may be emboldening radical elements and calls for the fair treatment of Hindu festivals without discriminatory restrictions or interference. Furthermore, Mahato emphasizes the need to monitor administrative responses to anti-Hindu social media posts and investigate potential links to extremist groups.

The timing of this letter coincides with upcoming by-elections in several constituencies across West Bengal, including Madarihat, Sitai, Naihati, Haroa, Taldangra, and Medinipur. These bypolls, scheduled for November 13, were necessitated by the resignations of sitting MLAs following their victories in the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year. The political climate is tense, with parties vying for influence in these key regions.

In response to Mahato's allegations, TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh dismissed the claims as unfounded and accused the BJP of attempting to communalize the political narrative ahead of the by-elections. Ghosh suggested that the BJP's assertions are a strategy to divert attention from the central government's shortcomings and to sow communal discord within the state.

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