BIS Seizes Substandard Goods from Amazon and Flipkart Warehouses

The Bureau of Indian Standards has intensified its crackdown on e-commerce platforms, conducting extensive raids on Amazon and Flipkart warehouses in Delhi. During a 15-hour operation at Amazon Sellers Pvt Ltd's facility in the Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area, officials seized over 3,500 electrical products, including geysers and food mixers, valued at approximately ₹70 lakh. These items were found to lack the mandatory ISI certification mark or bore counterfeit labels.

Similarly, a raid on a Flipkart subsidiary's warehouse led to the confiscation of 590 pairs of sports shoes without the required certification marks, with an estimated value of nearly ₹7,000. These actions are part of BIS's ongoing efforts to enforce compliance with quality standards and protect consumers from substandard products.

In the past month, BIS has conducted similar operations across various locations, including Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Lucknow, and Sriperumbudur, targeting e-commerce warehouses storing and selling products without the necessary certifications. These raids have resulted in the seizure of numerous items, such as toys, hand blenders, and metallic water bottles, all lacking the required ISI marks.

Amazon India responded by stating that the company is "engaged closely with various stakeholders, including regulators," emphasizing their commitment to compliance. Flipkart has yet to issue a statement regarding the recent raids.

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