Yunus Advocates for Inclusive Bangladesh During Durga Puja Celebrations

Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus has called upon citizens to foster an environment where all religious communities can celebrate their festivals without the need for law enforcement protection. Speaking at Dhakeshwari National Temple in Dhaka, he emphasized the collective responsibility to ensure that celebrations like Durga Puja can proceed smoothly, highlighting the nation's commitment to communal harmony.

Prof Yunus expressed gratitude to law enforcement agencies, including the police and army, for their dedicated efforts in ensuring a successful and joyous Durga Puja. He acknowledged their role in maintaining security during the festivities, noting that their involvement was crucial in facilitating the celebrations.

However, he also reflected on the broader societal implications of relying on security forces for festival celebrations. "We have created a scope for you to celebrate the puja festival with the support of the law enforcement agencies. We’ll all work together so that we do not need to do it anymore in the future," he remarked, urging citizens to work towards a society where such measures are unnecessary.

The Chief Adviser underscored the importance of unity and collective effort in building a Bangladesh where all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations, can enjoy equal rights and freedoms. He emphasized that the nation's constitution guarantees these rights, and it is the duty of all to uphold them.

In his address, Prof Yunus highlighted the recent student-led mass uprising as a pivotal moment in the nation's history, creating an opportunity to rebuild the country. He called upon citizens not to let this chance slip away, emphasizing the need for comprehensive reforms to establish a society where everyone's rights are protected.

He also announced the formation of six commissions aimed at implementing state reforms. These commissions are tasked with consulting various stakeholders and providing an outline within three months to address issues such as constitutional amendments and electoral system reforms.

The Chief Adviser urged citizens to support these reform efforts and to aspire for a Bangladesh where all individuals can pursue their dreams without fear or discrimination. He called for an end to societal practices that necessitate law enforcement involvement in religious celebrations, advocating for a future where such measures are no longer needed.

Prof Yunus's visit to Dhakeshwari National Temple and his interactions with the Hindu community underscore the government's commitment to promoting communal harmony and ensuring the rights of all citizens. His remarks serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to build an inclusive and equitable society.

The Chief Adviser's message resonates with the broader goals of the interim government, formed after the historic uprising of students, workers, and the public. This government is dedicated to improving the welfare of all citizens and ensuring equal rights across communities.

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