Temple Economy Emerges as India's Foremost Economic Driver

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu has declared India's temple economy, valued at ₹6 lakh crore annually, as the nation's largest economic activity. Speaking at the International Temples Convention & Expo in Tirupati, Naidu emphasized the continuous nature of temple-related activities, highlighting their year-round contribution to the economy.

"With India's temple economy valued around ₹6 lakh crore, I can say that compared to any other economic activity, this is the biggest. It happens 365 days a year—temple darshan or temple town activities. That is the biggest activity. We are all involved in it," Naidu stated.

The Chief Minister underscored the importance of aligning temple funds with the intentions of devotees, asserting that governments must honor and fulfill these aspirations. He also lauded the ITCX platform for its focus on integrating modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, fintech solutions, and promoting ethical donations, sustainability, security, crowd control, and financial transparency.

Aligned with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Viksit Bharat–2047 vision, Naidu highlighted the role of ITCX in enhancing temple governance and economic development, while fostering global collaboration among temples. He acknowledged the significance of technology in modernizing temple operations but emphasized that it cannot replace the spiritual essence of these institutions.

"Technology is one thing, and God is another. There is no replacement for God. Any scientist, technology expert, or anyone else has to follow the destiny decided by God. So, we are all instrumental, and ultimately, we have to depend on God. At the same time, we must do our duty," Naidu remarked.

In addition to technological advancements, Naidu expressed a desire to construct Lord Venkateswara Swamy temples in every state capital and in countries with significant Hindu populations. This initiative aims to promote cultural unity and provide devotees worldwide with accessible places of worship.

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams , headquartered in Tirupati, serves as a prime example of the temple economy's impact. Managing the renowned Venkateswara Temple, TTD oversees various social, religious, literary, and educational activities, employing approximately 16,000 individuals. In the fiscal year 2024-2025, TTD's budget was pegged at ₹5,141.74 crore, reflecting its substantial economic footprint.

TTD's Srivani Trust, established in 2019, focuses on promoting Sanātana Dharma by constructing temples in underprivileged areas, renovating ancient temples, and supporting financially struggling temples. By January 2023, TTD had undertaken the construction of 2,068 temples across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Puducherry, and Karnataka, demonstrating the expansive reach of temple-driven economic activities.

The temple economy encompasses a wide array of sectors, including tourism, hospitality, retail, and various service industries. Pilgrimage centers attract millions of visitors annually, generating significant revenue and providing employment opportunities in their regions. The continuous influx of devotees necessitates infrastructure development, leading to growth in construction and related industries.

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