Sikh Community Outraged as U.S. Agents Conduct Immigration Checks in Gurdwaras

Law enforcement officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security have initiated visits to gurdwaras in New York and New Jersey to identify undocumented immigrants. This action has elicited strong objections from Sikh organizations, which perceive these measures as violations of their sacred spaces.

Following President Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2025, Acting DHS Secretary Benjamine Huffman rescinded previous guidelines that limited enforcement actions in "sensitive" locations, including places of worship. This policy change has empowered Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection agents to conduct operations in areas previously deemed off-limits.

The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund expressed deep concern over the removal of these protections. Kiran Kaur Gill, SALDEF's executive director, emphasized that gurdwaras serve not only as places of worship but also as essential community centers offering support and spiritual solace. Gill stated, "Targeting these spaces for enforcement actions threatens the sanctity of our faith and sends a chilling message to immigrant communities nationwide."

Similarly, the Sikh Coalition criticized the policy reversal, highlighting the potential for increased surveillance and raids in gurdwaras. They noted that such actions could deter congregants from attending services, thereby hindering religious practices. The coalition remarked, "The idea that our gurdwaras could be subject to government surveillance and raids by armed law enforcement with or without warrants is unacceptable to the Sikh faith tradition."

In response to these developments, Ravinder Bhalla, the mayor of Hoboken, New Jersey, reaffirmed the city's commitment to inclusivity. He stated, "Hoboken stands united in support of our neighbors, regardless of where you were born or who your parents are, and will continue to be a fair, welcoming, and inclusive city for all who call it home."

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