Modi Engages with Trump and Musk Amid Trade and Technology Talks

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has arrived in Washington, D.C., for a two-day visit aimed at strengthening Indo-U.S. relations. He is scheduled to meet President Donald Trump to discuss trade, tariffs, and immigration policies. Additionally, Modi plans to engage with entrepreneur Elon Musk to explore potential collaborations in technology and energy sectors.

The meeting with President Trump is anticipated to address ongoing trade tensions between the two nations. The U.S. administration has expressed concerns over India's high tariffs and trade surplus. In response, Modi's government has proactively reduced duties on certain imports, including textiles and motorcycles, to address some of these issues. Discussions are expected to focus on further reducing trade barriers and enhancing bilateral economic cooperation.

Energy collaboration is another key agenda item. India is considering increasing imports of U.S. oil and gas to diversify its energy sources and reduce the trade deficit. This move aligns with India's strategy to strengthen energy security while addressing U.S. concerns over trade imbalances.

Defense cooperation is also expected to feature prominently in the talks. The U.S. has encouraged India to purchase more American defense equipment, aiming to bolster military ties and counterbalance China's growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. Recent defense deals have underscored the deepening military partnership between the two countries.

On the technology front, Modi's meeting with Elon Musk is anticipated to explore the introduction of SpaceX's Starlink satellite broadband services in India. This initiative could significantly enhance internet connectivity in remote and underserved areas. However, Starlink's entry into the Indian market has faced delays due to regulatory hurdles and spectrum allocation issues. The Indian government supports assigning spectrum rather than auctioning it, but Starlink's license is still pending. Assurances on data security, including local data storage, may be offered during the discussions.

While Tesla's entry into the Indian electric vehicle market has been a topic of interest, it is not expected to be a primary focus of Modi's meeting with Musk. However, discussions may touch upon sourcing electric vehicle components from India, aligning with Modi's 'Make in India' initiative to boost domestic manufacturing.

Immigration policies are another critical area of discussion. The U.S. administration's hardline stance on immigration has implications for Indian professionals, particularly in the technology sector. Modi is expected to advocate for more favorable visa policies to facilitate the movement of skilled Indian workers to the U.S.

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