Kiran Bedi Emphasises Governance Post BJP's Delhi Victory

Following the Bharatiya Janata Party's triumph in the Delhi Assembly elections, former Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi has called for a shift from political disputes to effective governance. She stressed the necessity of focusing on public health, safety, and cleanliness to enhance the city's living conditions.

Bedi remarked, "The era of allegations and counter-allegations is over. People want to move forward now, seeking improvement, cleanliness, civic amenities, and a trustworthy government." She further stated, "Now we will make Delhi healthy, safe, and clean."

Reflecting on her personal connection to the city, Bedi shared, "I am a resident of old Delhi. I felt like we have to leave Delhi. Now we will make Delhi healthy, safe, and clean, and it will happen as there is a double engine government."

In 2015, Bedi was the BJP's chief ministerial candidate but faced defeat in the elections. She acknowledged the public's desire for change and the responsibility that comes with the party's recent victory. "It was a vote for change, a vote for overhauling; all of Delhi was seeking an overhaul," she observed.

Bedi also questioned why central initiatives like the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan were not fully implemented in Delhi, suggesting that the recent electoral outcome reflects a mandate for comprehensive reform. "Schemes like Swachh Abhiyan and other central schemes were put in place in other places; why were they stopped in Delhi? I believe this vote was one for an overhaul, and it puts a big responsibility on the incoming government," she commented.

In the aftermath of the election results, BJP MP Anurag Thakur expressed gratitude to Delhi's residents and assured them that the party is committed to fulfilling its promises. He stated, "We have won in Delhi. I express my gratitude to the people of Delhi. This is BJP's good governance welfare model. People trust PM Modi's guarantees. Prime Minister Modi had promised the people of Delhi that he will put Delhi on the track of development, and we will make Delhi a developed country."

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