Justice Roy Reflects on PM Modi's Ganpati Puja Visit to CJI's Residence

Justice Hrishikesh Roy, who retired from the Supreme Court on Saturday, addressed the controversy surrounding Prime Minister Narendra Modi's attendance at a Ganpati Puja celebration hosted by then Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud. In an interview, Justice Roy remarked, "The incident was a private function of the Chief Justice. Of course, the optics appeared somewhat disturbing, but in hindsight, I believe it could have been avoided."

The event in question took place in September, when Prime Minister Modi visited CJI Chandrachud's residence during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Photographs of the Prime Minister participating in the puja alongside the CJI and his family were widely circulated, leading to debates about the propriety of such interactions between the executive and the judiciary.

Critics argued that such meetings could blur the lines between the separate branches of government. Opposition leaders, including Sanjay Raut of the Shiv Sena , suggested that the CJI should recuse himself from certain cases to avoid any appearance of bias. Raut commented, "If a custodian of the Constitution meets politicians, it can create doubts in the minds of the people."

In response to the criticism, CJI Chandrachud defended the meeting, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a dialogue between the judiciary and the executive. He stated, "There is enough maturity among judges of constitutional courts and the heads of the executive to firmly keep judicial matters out of the purview of any discussion." He further clarified that such interactions are routine and focus on administrative issues, such as judicial infrastructure, rather than on judicial decisions.

Justice Roy's perspective adds a nuanced view to the discussion. While acknowledging the private nature of the event, he also recognized the potential for misinterpretation. His reflection suggests that, although there was no wrongdoing, greater caution could be exercised in the future to maintain public confidence in the judiciary's independence.

This incident highlights the delicate balance that must be maintained between different branches of government. While collaboration and communication are essential for the effective functioning of the state, it is equally important to ensure that such interactions do not compromise, or appear to compromise, the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.

As the judiciary and the executive continue to navigate their roles within India's democratic framework, events like these serve as reminders of the importance of transparency and the need to uphold the principles of separation of powers. The discourse generated by this incident underscores the ongoing challenges in maintaining the delicate equilibrium between different arms of the government.

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