Jaishankar Criticizes Delhi's Governance, Expresses Embarrassment Abroad

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has voiced strong criticism of Delhi's current administration, expressing embarrassment over the city's lack of basic amenities. Addressing the South Indian community in Delhi, Jaishankar stated, "Whenever I visit foreign countries, I hide one thing from the world. I feel ashamed to go abroad and say that people living in the national capital do not get houses, do not get cylinders, or piped water under the Jal Jeevan Mission, and do not get the benefit of Ayushman Bharat."

He lamented that over the past decade, Delhi has lagged in providing essential services. "It is unfortunate that in the last 10 years, Delhi has been left behind. The residents of Delhi are not given their rights to water, electricity, gas, cylinders, health treatment," Jaishankar remarked. He urged citizens to consider a change in leadership in the upcoming elections, emphasizing, "If the government here does not give you your rights, then on 5th February, think that this government should be changed."

These comments come as Delhi prepares for assembly elections on February 5, with results expected on February 8. The political climate is tense, with major parties, including the ruling Aam Aadmi Party , the Bharatiya Janata Party , and the Congress Party, vying for control of the 70-seat legislature.

In response to Jaishankar's remarks, AAP MP Sanjay Singh expressed confidence in his party's prospects, stating that the Arvind Kejriwal-led government is poised to secure more than 60 seats. "AAP will be winning more than sixty seats, and the Arvind Kejriwal-led government will be formed in Delhi with an absolute majority," Singh asserted.

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