BJP Poised for Resounding Victory in Delhi, Ending AAP's Decade-Long Reign

The Bharatiya Janata Party is on the brink of a significant electoral triumph in Delhi, marking a return to power in the capital after 26 years. This development signals a dramatic shift in the city's political landscape, as the Aam Aadmi Party , led by Arvind Kejriwal, faces a substantial defeat after an unchallenged decade in governance.

Televised exit polls have projected a decisive win for the BJP in the Delhi assembly elections, indicating an absolute majority in the 70-member assembly. This outcome would unseat the AAP, which has maintained control over the capital's administration since its emergence from an anti-corruption movement in 2012.

The BJP's anticipated victory is seen as a rebound following its unexpected performance in the general elections last year, where it lost its outright majority in the national parliament. Despite this setback, Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a record-equalling third term with the support of regional parties and has since led the BJP to victories in two out of three state elections.

Arvind Kejriwal, 55, an anti-corruption crusader-turned-politician, was arrested on graft charges weeks before the general election began, alleging a political vendetta by the Modi government ... The BJP denies the charges. He was later released on bail but resigned as chief minister to ... .

The Congress party, once a dominant force in Delhi politics, is projected to suffer its third consecutive electoral defeat, securing only a minimal presence in the assembly. This outcome underscores the party's ongoing struggle to regain its footing in the capital's political arena.

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