Assam Chief Minister Rebukes Rahul Gandhi's Budget Critique

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has sharply criticized Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's remarks on the Union Budget 2024, asserting that Gandhi possesses "zero knowledge" of economic matters. Sarma emphasized that the budget is poised to bolster the nation's growth and urged the Congress party to recognize its advantages for the middle class rather than merely condemning it.

Rahul Gandhi had earlier denounced the Union Budget, labeling it a "Kursi Bachao" budget, suggesting it was designed to appease allies with hollow promises at the expense of other states. He further accused the government of favoring certain corporate entities, referring to them as "AA," and claimed the budget was a "copy and paste" of the Congress manifesto and previous budgets.

In response, Sarma contended that Gandhi's criticisms lacked substance and demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of economic principles. He highlighted that the budget includes measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, such as increased capital expenditure and initiatives to boost employment. Sarma also pointed out that the budget offers significant benefits to the middle class, including tax reliefs and incentives for small businesses.

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