Union Budget 2025 to Accelerate India's Path to Viksit Bharat: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed confidence that the Union Budget 2025 will serve as a catalyst for India's journey toward becoming a 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047. Addressing the media ahead of the Budget session, PM Modi emphasized that the forthcoming budget would infuse new energy and hope into the nation, aligning with the vision of a developed India.

The Union Budget 2025, scheduled for presentation by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, is anticipated to focus on several key areas aimed at bolstering economic growth and development. Analysts expect the government to prioritize infrastructure development, with significant investments in sectors such as transportation, energy, and digital infrastructure. This strategic emphasis is intended to stimulate economic activity, create employment opportunities, and enhance India's global competitiveness.

In addition to infrastructure, there is speculation about potential reforms in the taxation system, particularly concerning income tax. The government may consider adjustments to tax brackets or rates to provide relief to the middle class and stimulate consumer spending. Such measures could play a crucial role in revitalizing domestic consumption, which has been a concern amid the economic slowdown.

The Union Budget 2025 is also expected to address the challenges posed by the global economic environment, including trade tensions and currency fluctuations. The Indian rupee has faced pressures due to concerns over potential U.S. tariffs, which could impact the currency's value and, consequently, India's export competitiveness. The government's fiscal policies and budgetary allocations will be closely scrutinized for their effectiveness in mitigating these external risks.

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