UK Cinemas Halt 'Emergency' Screenings Amid Sikh Protests

Screenings of Kangana Ranaut's film *Emergency* were disrupted across the United Kingdom as British Sikh groups organized protests, labeling the movie as "anti-Sikh." Cinemas in cities including Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Harrow in north-west London canceled showings during the film's opening weekend.

The Sikh Press Association (Sikh PA) issued a statement condemning the film, which portrays the Emergency period in India during the 1970s under former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The organization stated that the movie is perceived as "anti-Sikh propaganda," highlighting Gandhi's role in events that led to significant turmoil within the Sikh community.

In Birmingham, a video circulated on social media showing the manager of Star City Vue cinema surrounded by a group of Sikh men dressed in black, leading to the cancellation of the screening. Similarly, protests in Wolverhampton and Harrow resulted in the disruption of scheduled showings.

Community organization Insight UK shared footage of protesters interrupting a screening at a cinema in Harrow, describing the individuals involved as "pro-Khalistan extremists." The group expressed concerns over the film's content and its potential impact on community relations.

Despite the protests, the filmmakers reported a strong box office performance for *Emergency*, claiming it earned Rs 12.26 crore over its first weekend. However, the controversy surrounding the film has sparked a broader discussion on the portrayal of historical events in cinema and the responsibilities of filmmakers in representing sensitive subjects.

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