Trump's Deportation Policy Sparks Trade Conflict with Colombia

The United States and Colombia have reached an agreement to avoid an escalating trade dispute caused by Colombia refusing to accept deported migrants on U.S. military flights. President Trump's administration celebrated the agreement, announcing that Colombia will now accept all illegal aliens deported from the U.S. without limitations. Colombian Foreign Minister Murillo confirmed the agreement and plans to visit the U.S. for further discussions. This dispute began when President Petro of Colombia halted two U.S. military flights carrying migrants and imposed retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods after Trump had levied tariffs and visa restrictions on Colombia. The Trump administration indicated it would hold off on further tariffs but maintain visa restrictions and customs inspections until the first deportation flight is successfully received by Colombia. The move ignited wider regional criticism, with Brazil calling on the U.S. to explain the "degrading treatment" of deportees. ([The Times](

In response to Colombia's initial refusal, President Trump announced a 25% tariff on Colombian imports, with a potential increase to 50% within a week. He also imposed travel bans, visa revocations, and financial sanctions targeting Colombian officials. President Petro rejected the flights, insisting deportees be returned with dignity using civilian planes, and offered the presidential aircraft for future deportation. Trump agreed to suspend the tariffs if Colombia complies with its part of the deal but maintained visa sanctions and inspections until the first deportees are returned. Relations are further strained as similar actions loom against Mexico and Canada. Colombia, the U.S.'s third-largest trading partner in Latin America, may reciprocate with its tariffs, impacting significant coffee imports to the U.S. The escalating dispute reflects growing tensions over immigration policies. ([New York Post](

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