Tragedy Strikes Kumbh Mela: Stampede in Prayagraj Claims Multiple Lives

A devastating stampede at the Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, has resulted in numerous fatalities and injuries. The incident occurred as tens of thousands of Hindu devotees converged to perform ritualistic baths at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers.

Authorities have reported that the stampede led to a significant number of deaths, with many more individuals sustaining injuries. The exact cause of the stampede is under investigation, but initial reports suggest that the overwhelming crowd size and a rush towards the riverbanks contributed to the chaos.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is closely monitoring the situation and has been in constant communication with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The Prime Minister has called for immediate measures to manage the situation and ensure the safety of the remaining pilgrims.

In response to the tragedy, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appealed to devotees to avoid rushing towards the 'Triveni Sangam' and instead utilize the designated 'snan' ghats established throughout Prayagraj for the holy dip. He also urged people not to heed rumors that could incite further panic.

Drone footage captured the massive influx of pilgrims, highlighting the challenges faced by security personnel in managing the vast crowds. Despite extensive preparations, including the installation of hundreds of cameras and the establishment of a control center to monitor the gathering, the sheer number of attendees overwhelmed the arrangements.

The Kumbh Mela, a six-week-long festival, is one of the most significant events in the Hindu religious calendar, attracting millions of devotees. This year's festival was anticipated to draw an exceptionally large crowd, given its particular religious significance.

This tragic event is reminiscent of past incidents at the Kumbh Mela. In 1954, a stampede resulted in the deaths of over 800 people, marking one of the deadliest occurrences in the festival's history. More recently, in 2013, a stampede at the Allahabad railway station during the Kumbh Mela led to 42 fatalities.

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