TMC MP Criticizes Rajnath Singh's Ujjain Temple Visit, Sparks Controversy

Estimated read time: 1 min
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh's visit to the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain has ignited a political controversy, following critical remarks from Trinamool Congress (TMC) Member of Parliament Saket Gokhale. Gokhale publicly mocked Singh's temple visit, questioning the sincerity and timing of the Defence Minister's prayers.

Gokhale's comments have drawn sharp reactions from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its supporters, who accuse him of disrespecting religious sentiments and politicizing a personal act of faith. BJP spokespersons have defended Singh's visit, emphasizing his longstanding devotion and regular participation in religious activities.

The Mahakaleshwar Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas and holds significant religious importance. Singh's visit was part of his itinerary in Madhya Pradesh, where he engaged in various official and public events.

This incident has further strained relations between the TMC and BJP, with both parties exchanging barbs over the appropriateness of Gokhale's remarks. Political analysts suggest that such exchanges reflect the deepening polarization in Indian politics, where personal actions of public figures are increasingly subjected to partisan scrutiny.

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