PM Modi Commissions Three Naval Vessels, Enhancing India's Maritime Strength

Prime Minister Narendra Modi presided over the commissioning of three frontline naval combatants—INS Surat, INS Nilgiri, and INS Vaghsheer—at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai, marking a significant advancement in India's maritime capabilities and self-reliance in defense manufacturing.

INS Surat, the fourth and final ship of the Project 15B Guided Missile Destroyer series, stands among the largest and most advanced destroyers globally. With approximately 75% indigenous content, it features state-of-the-art weaponry and sensor systems, enhancing the Indian Navy's operational reach.

INS Nilgiri, the lead ship of the Project 17A Stealth Frigate series, was designed by the Indian Navy's Warship Design Bureau. Incorporating advanced stealth features, it is equipped with cutting-edge technology to enhance survivability and operational effectiveness.

INS Vaghsheer, the sixth and final submarine of the Project 75 Scorpene series, represents a collaboration between India and France's Naval Group. This diesel-electric attack submarine is among the quietest and most versatile in its class, capable of anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, and equipped with advanced sonar systems.

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