Meghalaya Minister's 'Christian State' Remark Ignites Controversy

Meghalaya's Education Minister, Rakkam A. Sangma, has sparked a heated debate by referring to the state as a "Christian state" while announcing plans for a Christian prayer service to inaugurate the Captain Williamson Sangma State University on January 13, 2025. This statement has drawn criticism from various indigenous groups and civil society organizations, who argue that it contradicts India's secular principles.

Sangma's remarks were made in the context of the upcoming inauguration of Meghalaya's first state university. He stated, "On May 28, 2023, the new Parliament building was consecrated through Hindu rituals. As a Christian state, we want to consecrate our first state university with a massive prayer meeting." He further questioned, "If Parliament can be blessed with Hindu rituals, why not Christian rituals in a Christian state?"

The Seinraij Jowai, an indigenous faith organization, strongly opposed the minister's statement. They emphasized that during the pre-British period, no other religion existed in Meghalaya except the indigenous faith, and they continue to preserve their traditions and beliefs. The organization stated, "The term 'Christian State' demeans our very existence as faithful of the Indigenous Faith."

Similarly, the Association of Niamtre Students criticized Sangma's remarks, calling them "illogical and irresponsible." They asserted that labeling Meghalaya as a Christian state contradicts the secular-democratic structure of India. The association urged the minister to refrain from politicizing religion and to respect the constitutional principle of secularism.

Thma U Rangli-Juki (TUR), a civil society organization, also condemned the proposal. They highlighted that while Meghalaya has a majority Christian population, it is home to people of various faiths, including followers of indigenous beliefs like Songsarek, Niamtre, and Niam Khasi. TUR stated that a publicly funded state university should remain free from religious influences to provide equitable education for all.

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