Manish Sisodia Rebuts BJP's 'Sheesh Mahal' Allegation, Highlights PM Modi's ₹2,700 Crore Residence

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Manish Sisodia has countered the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) allegations regarding the opulence of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's official residence, referred to by the BJP as 'Sheesh Mahal'. Sisodia pointed to the ₹2,700 crore expenditure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's official residence, questioning the BJP's selective scrutiny.

The BJP has accused Kejriwal of deviating from his earlier commitment to modest living by investing approximately ₹52 crore in the renovation of his official residence. In response, Sisodia emphasized that it is customary for chief ministers to have official residences and challenged the BJP to address the substantial funds allocated for the Prime Minister's residence.

Sisodia criticized the BJP for focusing on such issues during the Delhi elections, suggesting that the party is diverting attention from more pressing matters like education and healthcare. He noted that the BJP, which has been in power for over a decade, should engage in discussions about development rather than personal attacks.

The AAP leader also addressed the topic of 'freebies', asserting that public funds should be utilized for the benefit of citizens. He highlighted that other political parties are now adopting policies similar to those initiated by Kejriwal, indicating a shift towards governance that prioritizes public welfare.

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