Mamta Kulkarni Embraces Spiritual Role as Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhada

Former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni has been appointed as the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhada during the ongoing Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. She has adopted the spiritual name Shri Yamai Mamta Nand Giri.

Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Laxmi Narayan of the Kinnar Akhada confirmed the development, stating that Kulkarni has been in contact with the Akhada for the past year and a half. He emphasized that the rituals for her initiation are currently underway.

Kulkarni, who has been away from the public eye for over two decades, performed the Pind Daan ritual at the Sangam Ghat in Prayagraj as part of her spiritual journey. She expressed that after 23 years of meditation and penance, she felt divinely guided to accept this role. "Mujhe poocha gaya, lekin aaj mujhe maha shakti ne aadesh diya ki mujhe ye chunna hai," she remarked, highlighting her sense of divine calling.

The Kinnar Akhada, established in 2015, aims to integrate transgender individuals into spiritual practices. As Mahamandaleshwar, Kulkarni is permitted to portray devotional figures in performances, reflecting the Akhada's inclusive approach to art and spirituality.

Kulkarni's transition from a celebrated film career to a dedicated spiritual path marks a significant shift. She has indicated that she has no intentions of returning to the film industry, focusing entirely on her spiritual commitments.

The Maha Kumbh Mela, held every 12 years, is a significant Hindu pilgrimage attracting millions of devotees. The inclusion of figures like Kulkarni underscores the event's evolving nature and the expanding roles within traditional spiritual communities.

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