Kerala Nun to Lead NSS Contingent at Republic Day Parade

Sister Noelle Rose, a Catholic nun from Kerala, is set to make history by leading the National Service Scheme (NSS) contingent at the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on January 26, 2025. This unprecedented event marks the first time a nun has been appointed to lead the NSS team in the national parade.

A member of the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC), Sister Noelle serves as a Malayalam professor at Newman College in Thodupuzha. She was selected from among approximately 3,000 program officers in the state, a testament to her dedication and leadership within the NSS. Her selection is a significant milestone, reflecting the inclusive nature of national service and the diverse representation of leaders in India.

The 12-member NSS contingent from Kerala, under Sister Noelle's leadership, comprises volunteers from various universities and the Institute of Human Resources Development (IHRD). These volunteers have been undergoing rigorous training in New Delhi under the supervision of army officers to prepare for the parade. The NSS, with a nationwide membership of approximately 4.5 million volunteers, plays a crucial role in community service and national integration.

Sister Noelle's journey with the NSS began five years ago, complementing her academic career spanning over 17 years. She has authored 17 books and has been recognized twice as the Best Program Officer by Mahatma Gandhi University. Her commitment extends beyond academia; she has collaborated with the K Chittilappilly Foundation to build 12 homes for the underprivileged, showcasing her dedication to social service.

Born in Kalady, Kerala, Sister Noelle is known for her energetic and vibrant personality. Her colleagues and superiors describe her as faithful to service and passionate about working with youth. Her leadership in the Republic Day parade is seen as an inspiration, symbolizing the harmony between faith, service, and patriotism.

The Republic Day parade is a prestigious event, showcasing India's cultural diversity and military prowess. The inclusion of a nun leading the NSS contingent highlights the nation's commitment to secularism and the recognition of contributions from all sections of society. Sister Noelle's participation is expected to inspire many, especially women and members of religious communities, to engage more actively in national service.

After the parade, Sister Noelle and her team are scheduled to attend a reception hosted by the President and Prime Minister, further acknowledging their contributions. They are expected to return to Kerala on February 1, 2025.

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