Kejriwal Counters Gandhi's Critique Amid Delhi Election Campaign

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal has responded to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's criticisms during a rally in Delhi's Seelampur area. Gandhi accused Kejriwal of failing to address issues such as pollution, corruption, and inflation, and compared his campaign tactics to those of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, alleging both make unfulfilled promises.

Kejriwal addressed these remarks on social media, stating, "Today Rahul Gandhi came to Delhi. He abused me a lot. But I will not comment on his statements. His fight is to save Congress, my fight is to save the country."

During his speech, Gandhi questioned the effectiveness of Kejriwal's governance, particularly in reducing corruption and pollution in Delhi. He drew parallels between Kejriwal and Modi, suggesting both leaders employ similar strategies of making false promises. Gandhi also criticized their silence on conducting a caste census, implying a lack of commitment to the rights of marginalized communities.

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