Goa's SP Transfer Sparks Political Controversy

The Goa government has transferred South Goa Superintendent of Police Sunita Sawant, issuing a late-night wireless message from the control room, officials confirmed. An official stated that SP Sawant's transfer on Monday night was part of a routine procedure.

Opposition Congress has alleged that the SP's "sudden" and "politically motivated" transfer occurred after she began collecting information about Bajrang Dal leaders in the state. The party claims that this move exposes how the administration is being controlled by the RSS-BJP's "communal agenda."

SP Sawant, a distinguished officer, was selected for the President’s Medal for distinguished services on the occasion of Independence Day in August 2024.

In October 2024, reports indicated a power struggle within the Goa police force, with officers vying for key postings. The competition for district postings had intensified, with some officers reportedly seeking transfers to more desirable positions.

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