Omar Abdullah raises alarm over mosque attacks, calls for unity

Omar Abdullah, the leader of the National Conference in Jammu and Kashmir, has expressed serious concerns about coordinated efforts to target religious sites, particularly mosques. He described these incidents as part of a “well-planned conspiracy,” urging vigilance against actions that disrupt India's secular foundation. Speaking at the Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences' foundation day, Abdullah highlighted the potential harm of such divisive actions on social harmony, reiterating his call for the restoration of Jammu and Kashmir's statehood.

He pointed to ongoing surveys of religious sites as troubling signals of broader systemic issues. Abdullah emphasized that India's secularism, which guarantees religious freedom for all, must be preserved at all costs. He asserted that Jammu and Kashmir had joined a pluralistic India, which should honor its commitments. Abdullah also criticized narratives branding minority communities as appeased, insisting that equality must prevail without fear or favoritism.

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