Delhi Police Intensify Deportation of Illegal Bangladeshi Nationals

Delhi authorities have escalated efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants, resulting in the removal of multiple Bangladeshi nationals from the capital. In a series of operations, the Delhi Police have apprehended and deported individuals residing without valid documentation, underscoring the city's commitment to addressing unauthorized immigration.

In one notable case, a mother-son duo was deported after investigations revealed the mother had been living in Delhi illegally since 2005, with her son joining her in 2020. The duo was residing in the Katwaria Sarai area when authorities detained them. This action is part of ongoing efforts by the South West District Police to identify and repatriate undocumented immigrants in the city.

In a separate operation, the Delhi Police deported 12 Bangladeshi nationals following targeted verification drives and joint inspections in South-East Delhi. After investigating nearly 1,200 people, these individuals were found residing in the city without valid documentation and were subsequently sent to detention camps pending their deportation.

Authorities have deported seven Bangladeshi nationals, including five women, who were found staying illegally in the city. These individuals were identified during verification drives aimed at locating undocumented immigrants.

These operations are part of a broader initiative by Delhi Police to address the issue of illegal immigration in the capital. Authorities have been conducting verification drives, gathering intelligence, and collaborating with other agencies to identify and deport individuals residing in the city without valid documentation.

The presence of illegal immigrants has been a longstanding concern in Delhi, with authorities citing security risks and the strain on resources as primary reasons for the crackdown. The recent deportations reflect a renewed commitment to enforcing immigration laws and ensuring that individuals residing in the city have the necessary legal documentation.

While these actions have been lauded by some as necessary for maintaining law and order, they have also raised concerns about the treatment of undocumented immigrants and the need for a more comprehensive approach to address the underlying issues leading to illegal immigration. Human rights organizations have called for humane treatment of those detained and for policies that address the root causes of migration.

As Delhi continues to grapple with the challenges posed by illegal immigration, the authorities' recent actions indicate a stringent approach towards enforcement. The impact of these measures on the city's demographic and social landscape remains to be seen, as does the response from the communities affected by these deportations.

The Delhi Police have stated that such verification drives and deportations will continue as part of their efforts to maintain security and order in the city. They have urged residents to report any suspected illegal immigrants to the authorities, emphasizing the role of community cooperation in addressing this issue.

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