Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal unveiled a landmark initiative aimed at empowering women, pledging Rs 1,000 monthly to eligible women across the capital. Announced as part of the Aam Aadmi Party's ongoing campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the scheme is set to launch post-election. Kejriwal emphasized its transformative potential during his address, urging women to register for the program once the portal goes live.
The initiative, officially named the "Mukhya Mantri Mahila Samman Yojana," targets non-income taxpaying women aged 18 and above. According to Kejriwal, this scheme will bolster approximately 50 lakh women in Delhi, addressing economic vulnerabilities and enhancing household financial stability. AAP’s Finance Minister Atishi included this proposal in the 2024-25 state budget, reflecting its integration into the party’s broader welfare agenda.
Kejriwal underscored the importance of women’s contributions to his political journey, attributing his successes to their unwavering support. He appealed for their blessings in the forthcoming elections while criticizing perceived opposition roadblocks. Referring to hurdles posed by the Lieutenant Governor and the central government, he claimed that these challenges have delayed various public welfare initiatives.