Stranded Passengers Wait as Air India Pilot Declines Jaipur-Delhi Flight

Hundreds of passengers aboard an Air India flight from London to Delhi found themselves stranded at Jaipur airport after the plane was diverted due to severe weather conditions over Delhi. The aircraft, originally scheduled to land in Delhi early morning, faced delays when the pilot declined to continue the flight citing duty hours, sparking hours of chaos for the 350 passengers.

The diversion to Jaipur occurred after air traffic controllers directed the aircraft to avoid Delhi due to poor weather. Following a brief hover, the plane made an emergency landing in Jaipur, where passengers anticipated a swift resolution. Clearance to resume the journey was eventually granted by Delhi air traffic control; however, the pilot refused to proceed, invoking flight duty time limitations as stipulated under aviation regulations.

Frustrations mounted as passengers reported insufficient communication and support from Air India staff during the ordeal. After approximately three hours, some passengers were transported to Delhi by road, while others remained at the airport awaiting alternative arrangements. A replacement crew was eventually dispatched to complete the flight.

Social media amplified the passengers’ grievances, with one traveler tagging officials including Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia in a plea for assistance. Criticisms extended to Air India for the lack of immediate contingency measures and transparent communication during the delay.

The incident highlights operational challenges faced by airlines during unforeseen diversions, particularly concerning crew scheduling and compliance with safety protocols. It underscores the need for robust contingency planning to minimize passenger discomfort during such disruptions.

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