Congress, JMM Aiming to Undermine Tribal and OBC Rights: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a series of campaign rallies across Jharkhand, sharply criticized the opposition parties, accusing Congress and the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) of attempting to dismantle tribal, Dalit, and Other Backward Class (OBC) rights. Addressing rallies in Singhbhum, Chaibasa, and Ranchi, Modi alleged that the two parties aim to “plunder” reservations and resources in Jharkhand, undercutting the rights of marginalized communities for political gains.

At a well-attended rally in Chaibasa, Modi highlighted the history of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) role in Jharkhand’s formation, contrasting it with what he described as Congress’s disregard for the state's development. Modi claimed that Congress has historically undermined Jharkhand’s autonomy and hindered its growth, while the BJP’s initiatives, such as Ayushman Bharat and the Mudra Scheme, have benefited the state directly. He warned that Congress now intends to shift reservations away from tribal and OBC communities, potentially redistributing benefits based on religious lines, a stance that has already triggered discussions within the political arena.

Modi reiterated that the BJP has introduced multiple development initiatives specifically tailored for Jharkhand. In a direct appeal to tribal communities, he referenced the party’s decision to recognize November 15, Birsa Munda’s birth anniversary, as Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, underscoring BJP’s efforts to honor tribal heroes while advancing regional development.

The Prime Minister went on to allege that Congress and JMM have jointly overseen rampant corruption and resource exploitation within the state. According to Modi, resources like water, forests, and minerals, fundamental to Jharkhand’s economy and tribal livelihood, are under threat due to illegal mining and misuse by officials aligned with Congress and JMM. He cited a case involving a large cash recovery allegedly linked to Congress leaders, suggesting that corruption is deeply embedded within their governance structures.

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