Ratan Tata hospitalised at Breach Candy after blood pressure drop

Ratan Tata, the former chairman of Tata Sons, was urgently admitted to Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital after a sudden and severe drop in his blood pressure in the early hours of Monday. The 86-year-old industrialist, known for his leadership in transforming the Tata Group into a global powerhouse, was brought to the hospital at around 12:30 a.m. and taken directly to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where a team of top specialists began his treatment.

Dr. Sharukh Aspi Golwalla, a renowned cardiologist, has been overseeing Tata’s condition. Medical reports indicate that while his condition was critical upon arrival, his health has stabilized since receiving initial treatment. Tata has been suffering from age-related health issues, though no further details on the cause of his sudden health emergency have been provided.

In a social media post on X (formerly Twitter), Tata addressed the circulating rumors about his health, assuring the public that there was no cause for alarm. He stated that he was undergoing routine medical check-ups and remained in good spirits. He urged people not to spread misinformation and thanked those concerned about his well-being.

Ratan Tata led the Tata Group for over two decades, during which the conglomerate saw tremendous growth, including high-profile international acquisitions like Jaguar Land Rover and Corus Steel. Post his retirement, Tata continues to be highly regarded for his philanthropic work, notably through the Tata Trusts, which have been instrumental in initiatives related to health, education, and rural development.

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