Protests Erupt Over IAS Officer's Comment on Temple Loudspeakers

A statement by IAS officer Akash Shankar has sparked protests in Karnataka, particularly by Hindu groups, over remarks about the use of loudspeakers at temples. Shankar, who was addressing a local gathering, commented on the volume of loudspeakers during religious ceremonies, implying that excessive noise might disrupt public peace and create communal tensions. His statement was met with swift backlash from Hindutva outfits, notably the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal, who view it as an attack on Hindu practices.

Protests escalated quickly after the remarks were publicized. VHP leaders accused the officer of attempting to infringe on religious freedoms, and demonstrations were organized outside government offices demanding a public apology and immediate action against him. Tensions intensified when a crowd attempted to breach police barricades, leading to a tense standoff between demonstrators and law enforcement.

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