Farooq Abdullah Declares Omar Abdullah as Next J&K Chief Minister Amid Assembly Election Victory

National Conference (NC) leader Farooq Abdullah announced his son, Omar Abdullah, as the next Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir after the NC-Congress alliance crossed the majority mark in the state’s assembly elections. The announcement came as the alliance secured a clear lead, positioning itself to form the first government in the region in a decade.

As results continue to pour in from various constituencies, the NC-Congress alliance has taken a commanding lead, surpassing the 48-seat majority required to govern the region. With over 50 seats secured by the alliance, Farooq Abdullah took the opportunity to name Omar Abdullah as the Chief Minister. This move marks a significant shift in Jammu and Kashmir’s political landscape, with the National Conference regaining power after years of political uncertainty following the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state into Union Territories in 2019.

The National Conference celebrated across its strongholds, particularly in Anantnag, where supporters hailed the return of the Abdullah family to power. Farooq Abdullah expressed confidence in his son’s leadership, emphasizing the alliance’s commitment to restoring peace and development in the region.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which had campaigned heavily in Jammu and parts of Kashmir, trailed behind with 27 seats. Despite the setback, the BJP remains the primary opposition force in the assembly, with several of its prominent leaders retaining key constituencies, including Ranbir Pathania, who won Udhampur East. The Congress party, meanwhile, has secured a lesser share of the alliance's overall tally but remains a crucial partner in the formation of the government.

Omar Abdullah, the former Chief Minister who had last served in the role before the dissolution of the assembly in 2018, took to social media to express his confidence in the victory and reiterated his party’s commitment to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He had earlier criticized exit polls that predicted a hung assembly, remarking that such predictions were unreliable. With the NC-Congress alliance now set to form the government, Omar Abdullah's leadership is expected to guide the region through its next phase of governance.

Meanwhile, NC senior leader Ali Mohammad Sagar dismissed concerns of internal discord regarding the chief ministership, affirming that the party remained united. He pointed out that the electorate’s faith in National Conference’s principles and governance would be the cornerstone of their administration.

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