Congress Set for Victory in Haryana, Hung House Likely in Jammu and Kashmir: Exit Polls

Exit polls for the Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Assembly elections indicate a significant shift in political power, with the Congress on track for a clear win in Haryana, while the J&K assembly could face a hung house. The National Conference (NC)-Congress alliance is projected to lead but not secure an outright majority in J&K.

The exit polls conducted across multiple platforms consistently point to a comfortable victory for the Congress in Haryana, with the party expected to claim between 44 to 64 seats in the 90-seat assembly. Pollsters such as Dainik Bhaskar, Republic-Matrize, and Peoples’ Pulse predict the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will fall far behind, securing only 15 to 32 seats. This outcome marks a significant shift in Haryana’s political landscape, where BJP-led governments have been in power since 2014. If these predictions hold true, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the Congress leader and former Chief Minister, is expected to return to power.

In contrast, the situation in Jammu and Kashmir remains more complex, with exit polls showing a competitive race. The NC-Congress alliance is projected to lead with 35 to 50 seats out of the 90-member assembly. Pollsters such as C-Voter-India Today and Peoples' Pulse suggest that while the alliance may emerge as the largest group, it is unlikely to secure an outright majority. The BJP, which had positioned itself as a major player in the region, is predicted to win between 23 and 34 seats. This outcome would leave the assembly in a hung state, with smaller parties like the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party (AIP) holding the balance of power, potentially influencing coalition dynamics.

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