50 Senior Doctors Resign at RG Kar Hospital Amidst Junior Doctors' Hunger Strike

At least 50 senior doctors from Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital have submitted mass resignations in solidarity with the junior doctors who are on a hunger strike. The protest stems from grievances over inadequate response from state authorities regarding the demands of the junior medical staff, who have been on strike for several days, pressing for better working conditions and reforms in healthcare facilities. The hunger strike, which escalated on Sunday, involves six junior doctors who initiated the protest, accusing the state of neglecting their demands. This has led to mounting tensions within the medical community.

The senior doctors' resignation marks a significant escalation in the ongoing dispute, putting immense pressure on the government. Senior doctors claim that they will not continue performing their duties until the concerns of the junior doctors are addressed. Their collective resignation is seen as an unprecedented move in support of their younger colleagues, with both groups united in their criticism of the state government’s response.

Despite the state government’s efforts to address the issue, including assurances from the health secretary and chief secretary that improvements would be made by October 10, junior doctors remain skeptical. They argue that previous promises have not been fulfilled, and thus, they have no reason to trust the new assurances. The hunger strike continues, with growing concern for the health of the participants.

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