SGPC Mandates Blue or Yellow for Nishan Sahib

The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has issued a directive requiring gurdwaras to change the color of the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh religious flag, from its traditional saffron to either blue or yellow. This decision follows a renewed emphasis on aligning with historical practices within Sikhism.

The change is grounded in historical and theological considerations. Historically, blue has held significant importance in Sikh tradition, often associated with the Nihang Sikhs, a warrior sect known for their deep blue attire. Yellow, while less historically prominent than blue, is also viewed as a color of purity and significance within the faith. The saffron color, while commonly used in various Sikh institutions, does not have the same traditional roots, prompting this shift.

This directive has been met with mixed reactions. Some within the Sikh community see it as a necessary step to preserve historical authenticity, while others view it as a departure from the established norms that many have grown accustomed to over the years. The SGPC, however, remains firm in its decision, emphasizing the importance of maintaining tradition as outlined by the early Sikh scriptures and historical records.

This move comes as part of a broader effort by the SGPC to standardize religious practices across Sikh institutions, ensuring that they adhere more closely to what is viewed as the original tenets of the faith. It also reflects a growing trend within religious communities to revisit and reaffirm historical practices in the face of modern adaptations.

The SGPC has set a timeline for gurdwaras to implement this change, and it is expected that compliance will be closely monitored. This decision is likely to spark further discussions within the community about the role of tradition in contemporary religious practice, and the balance between historical fidelity and modern expression.

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