Engineer Surrenders in Shivaji Statue Collapse Case, Sculptor Remains Fugitive

Chetan Patil, a structural engineer linked to the collapse of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj statue in Malvan, surrendered to Kolhapur police. Following his surrender, Patil was transferred to Malvan police, who are leading the investigation into the incident. The statue, a 35-foot structure of the Maratha warrior king, had fallen, prompting significant political fallout and criticism towards the state government.

The statue had been unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a ceremony at Rajkot Fort on Navy Day. The collapse, which occurred just months after the unveiling, has been attributed to potential flaws in the design and construction. Law enforcement authorities have now intensified their efforts to locate sculptor Jaydeep Apte, who is also wanted in connection with the collapse. As of now, Apte remains at large, with the police continuing their search.

The collapse has raised questions about the roles of both Patil and Apte in the construction process, with authorities scrutinizing their responsibilities. The incident has also led to public outcry and demands for accountability from various quarters, including opposition parties.

The statue's collapse, occurring in broad daylight, has left a lasting impact on the local community and beyond, as the investigation unfolds.

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